Is acne related to my diet?
Hello friends, Is acne related to my diet? Acne may cause by high GI food or dairy. Foods which have a high glycaemic index (e.g. sugar, sweet, pizza, soft drinks, fast food, white bread) are rapidly absorbed by the body, leading to spikes in blood sugar or glucose level. Raised circulating blood glucose levels promote the release of the hormone insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF -1). both increase sebum production and act on the body to produce more androgen hormone. I got this information from the Adityan skin & Hair laser centre because they give Acne/Pimple Treatment In Madurai.
Generally, the link between dairy as a cause or aggravating factor for acne is much weaker. These are several proposed hypotheses surrounding how dairy products may worsen skin disease. It is possible that dairy act by a similar mechanism to diets rich in carbohydrates by promoting insulin and IGF-1 production. These are also suggestions that milk from dairy cows either naturally contains growth hormones or is treated with growth hormones. If you suffer from the acne problem then go for the Adityan skin & Hair laser centre because they give Acne/Pimple Treatment In Madurai. For more details contact @ 73 73 163 000 or surf their website @ For more updates, you can surf @
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